even though I mostly repair – large quilts,
via hand-stitch / which is very ‘micro’ – on a whole other level.

I, also !!
like to . . . micro-dose !!

I make unique, one-of-a-kind, lightswitch covers for JEFFREY TRANCHELL / JEFF’S GALLERY, DETROIT.

they are all 100% hand-crafted by me, made upon standard hardware lightswitch covers,
which is so totally . . . DIY ‘gone creative’ on the vernacular / plus, they absolutely – function.

NANCY SMITH, ‘Little Missy Yin Yang, Year of the Rabbit’, Turn Onz series, June 2023.
mixed media, affixed to standard hard-plastic lightswitch cover, installs with 2 screws.
approx: 10-1/2 x 8-1/2 in.
about 1/4 in. shallow depth / of the plastic cover.

FYI: it’s 2 weeks since I made her, and she looks absolutely terrified ?!!
2023 is shaping up to be very dramatic on many fronts; global, and personal /
plus I’m a natural-born, Chinese Zodiac birth-year Rabbit / but still . . . ?

SCI-FI – SKY HIGH . . . !!!

it’s only when I saw that recent viral clip of a super terrified woman on a plane, freaking out that . . . “a passenger sitting back there – wasn’t real” / that I got – it.
sci-fi is here & it’s not going anywhere.

so, apart from that recent suburban family in L.A. sighting, multiple career army whistle-blowers, and congressional UFO committees, my big question is: do we have an active ‘Men in Black’ crew, and did they show up, to de-brief her ?

NANCY SMITH, ‘Year of the Rabbit’ lightswitch
for scale / on my desk.

NANCY SMITH, reverse / signed & dated.