~CARL WEATHERS/Public School/Black Apple

CARL WEATHERS rides the PATH train – heading back into the city. New York City.
PHOTO: NANCY SMITH, April 3, 2012

. . . I first met CARL WEATHERS at EASTERN DISTRICT, Public School did several shows there when the space first opened. Carl is ‘family’ with the cutting edge fashion group – he’s related to one of the head designers, I’m thinking . . . MAXWELL OSBOURNE.

Public School / Black Apple were founded by menswear designers DAO-YI CHOW and MAXWELL OSBOURNE. Public School apparently became their hi-end brand, and Black Apple is more the off-the-rack, diffusion line.

DAO-YI CHOW and MAXWELL OSBOURNE talk about how the company(s) got started and then evolved – in this video link, below. if you’re quick enough you can catch a few early pix of . . . MICHAEL CABRERA, EASTERN DISTRICT’S founder and Creative Director. . . in the mix.
this might help: EASTERN DISTRICT’S bit of a blog (!!)

watch: BEHIND THE BRAND / Public School & Black Apple


note: artist JUAN DOE wore that V for Vendetta ‘mask’, which also scored press during OWS – at his MARCH 2009 solo show at EASTERN DISTRICT … but it doesn’t quite look to be him modelling it – in this fashion forward (!!) video. (have to get back to you on that !!)
check back to that EASTERN DISTRICT – bit of blog link, above.


from the video: BEHIND THE BRAND / Public School & Black Apple

from the video: BEHIND THE BRAND / Public School & Black Apple

BLACK APPLE, from the video: BEHIND THE BRAND / Public School & Black Apple