I’d like to thank MARTIN BROMIRSKI of ANABA and JON KALISH of NPR – who both were kind enough to write up my show at OTHER MUSIC. thanks guys.
the show is still up – until the first week of OCTOBER 2009, or so. I tried to use the format of ‘banners’ to showcase examples of – my own art, photography, and artisan skills.
as well – those 4 framed watercolors – on the top shelf to the right – are mine, too.
OTHER MUSIC – 15 East 4th St. NYC
see: NANCY SMITH on NPR !!
and, yes I loved being called a ‘wheeler dealer’ !!
but, right now, I’m feeling more like – a Tricoteuse, …. as in Madame Defarge.
I did a lot of knitting and stitching and repairing of quilts over the summer …
“WILLIAM-ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU’S painting ‘Tricoteuse’ ironically depicts a young girl knitting …”
. . . and, check out: Madame Defarge !!