~Joe Grillo meets John Waters

Joe Grillo meets John Waters

joe shows signature

Joe's signature

JOE GRILLO, of the artist collaborative DEARRAINDROP, meets JOHN WATERS, for the first time, and asks for an autograph, Grillo style, at the SPENCER SWEENEY opening, Gavin Brown’s enterprise, NYC, Sept 10, 2005.

Photos: Nancy Smith

more photos from the: SPENCER SWEENEY opening

photos from the most recent NYC DEARRAINDROP show, ‘Members of The Island’ ,
at Diesel Denim Gallery, in Soho, which had its opening on June 15, 2005


Matthew Day Jackson

the card for MATTHEW DAY JACKSON – ‘FORTUNATE SON’ – his first major one man show which ran from Nov 5 – Dec 22, 2005, at PERRY RUBENSTEIN GALLERY. As American as they get, the imagery included Native American iconography and made use of such materials as: inlaid needlepoint, scorched wood, woodburned drawing, mother of pearl, abalone, yarn, tooled leather, skull beads, and even, sculpey!

The show’s card, with its dramatic photograph of the artist beside a huge bonfire, is one of the best uses of the newest rage in NYC show card/invites, which is to use hard, very heavy, in fact, impossible-to-fold ultra heavy card stock, and often the larger the better. At a relatively large, but still reasonable 8 x 10″, and with its beautiful imagery, it is just the right size to still make it into a commercial plastic protector sleeve, and is one of the few (high production) cards which really does rate being kept as a collector’s item, in itself.


~Nate Lowman/MACCARONE

Nate Lowman card

NATE LOWMAN opened ‘THE END and Other American Pastimes’ at MACCARONE – 45 Canal St – on Nov 6, 2005. Another great card, it wasn’t on heavy stock, and it wasn’t oversized, but it was a great image, and !! it was super glossy and the back peeled off, so it could be used as a decal sticker ! The show was as individualistic and quirky as the card.

In fact, there was an immediate buzz surrounding the show: check out why for yourself –

Nate Lowman at Maccarone

~Dan Asher/bird of prey/GBE/passerby

Dan Asher

DAN ASHER, large photograph from his show, ‘bird of prey’ which opened at GBE@Passerby, NYC, on Oct 14, 2005
Photo: Nancy Smith

Dan Asher’s show ‘bird of prey’ was one of the best shows of FALL 2005, which, for no good reason, slipped by under the mainstream radar. ‘bird of prey’ was a one man compilation of photographs that ranged from stupendous iceberg and aurora borealis landscapes to extreme and violent illegal ‘backyard’ wrestling events that flourish in the mid-west – with a few Middle America portraits thrown in for good measure.

‘bird of prey’

~Kayrock & Wolfy/One Sixpack Short of a Hippie Death Cult


KAYROCK aka KARL LAROCCA , at the opening of ‘KAYROCK and WOLFY – One Sixpack Short of a Hippie Death Cult’, Jessica Murray Projects, NYC, July 13, 2005


WOLFY aka JEF SCHARF aka Little Giant Robot Zero at the opening of ‘KAYROCK and WOLFY – One Sixpack Short of a Hippie death Cult’, Jessica Murray Projects, NYC, July 13, 2005

KAYROCK and WOLFY are the powerpack duo behind KAYROCK SCREENPRINTING, which recently did the knock-down graphic design for the DEITCH PROJECTS produced, downtown art scene survey book, ‘LIVE THROUGH THIS: NEW YORK 2005’.

KAYROCK SCREENPRINTING has made artist editions for: Cory Arcangel, Matthew Brannon, Cecily Brown & Fred Tomaselli; and posters and t-shirts for The Liars, The Rapture, & The Yeah Yeahs, just to name a few.

more photos from: ‘KAYROCK and WOLFY – One Sixpack Short of a Hippie Death Cult’

Photos: Nancy Smith
note: it appears that Jessica Murray Projects has recently closed.

~STEVE POWERS/Coney Island Dreamland

Steve Powers

STEVE POWERS .. the creative inspiration and originating force behind DREAMLAND ARTIST CLUB, the CREATIVE TIME project on CONEY ISLAND, which invites artists to re-do the amusement and Boardwalk signs. Steve Powers is photographed here in his DREAMLAND ARTIST CLUBHOUSE, CONEY ISLAND, BROOKLYN, NYC, June 18, 2005.
Photo: Nancy Smith

more photos: DREAMLAND ARTIST CLUB 2005

The slogan on the DREAMLAND Poster was (a good one to keep in mind always, esp in the artworld):

    FAST NICKEL – better than – SLOW DIME.

    Here are the images on the other side of the poster:

    Dreamland #1

    Dreamland #2

    Dreamland # 3

~Tom Moody/ART@#!>WORK

Tom Moody

TOM MOODY, artist, musician & blogger, at work in his cubicle in the best alternative show of 2005, if not the entire decade ….. ‘ART< #*/>WORK’, 520 EIGTH AVENUE, bet. 36 & 37 Sts, MIDTOWN MANHATTAN, on some office floor, NYC, May 10, 2005

TOM MOODY ……” looking happier than any man sipping KOOL-AID from a plastic cup inside an office cubicle deserves to be” .. or something to that effect (Tom Moody on his blog commenting on the >finally!< posted artlovers coverage of the show!!) too bad, not too many art world aficiondos, even the hard core ones, could make it so far out of their way, as to hit this show in Mid Town !!! what a loss - well the bright side is - it makes a case for photo coverage. what a great show, from TONY LUIB's mindblowing - super skilled, super inspired - installation - that's all I can say, I'm still stunned by it, see the photo link below!!! to CAT MAZZA's KNITPRO trademark swatches - to the super low-key funny 'Please squeeze me office supplies' by MICHELLE ROSENBERG - this show reigns supreme. only THE INFINITE FILL SHOW curated by CORY & JAMIE ARCANGEL can be put in the same sentence. ‘ART^.&!>WORK’ photos

Tom Moody’s blog

and yes, he is MOODY!

Photo: Nancy Smith

~Oksana Lada/S*F*D* FIX BOX

Oksana Lada

OKSANA LADA, the actress who plays TONY SOPRANO’S Russian mistress, Irina, on HBO’S ‘THE SOPRANOS’ at the S*F*D* ‘FIX BOX’ opening , with her little dog, Kasha, RARE Gallery, NYC, May 21, 2005.
(KAMAU PATTON artwork in the background.)

S*F*D* FIX BOX was one of the best & edgiest shows of all 2005.
The show opened on May 21, 2005 & ran until June 18, 2005.

colorful enough to inspire this item on the 5/24/05 artlovers home page:

… with ‘FIX BOX’ – S*F*D* – aka – SAN FRANCISCO DAMAGE – a loose coallition of San Francisco based artists – aims to stake its claim on New York City. 5 artists, as edgey as they get: SARA THUSTRA, XYLOR JANE, KAMU PATTAN, AMY RATHBONE & ALICIA McCARTHY show both individual & collaborative on-site pieces, the artlovers fav being the S*F*D* collaborative ‘ wheelchair’ – “PLEEZ SIT” – its effect upon guest sitters was amazing. EVEN K8 HARDY got caught in the chair, looking like a complete anti-hero. (see photo link below)

S*F*D*’s hi energy apparently exploded beyond the gallery walls. To the delight of many Chelsea regulars, a PATRICK MIMRAN BILLBOARD was graffiti attacked in recent days & his message was subverted to read – “IGNORE IT IF YOU CAN – THE WAR IS ALL AROUND YOU”.

Apparently always ready to rumble for a good cause, S*F*D* lived up to their name, at the show’s afterparty. When the RARE people refused to foot the bill for the artists’ dinner, S*F*D* told the RARE crew to pay up or …. “settle” the dispute “on the street outside” !!

kiddy in the wheel chair

KIDDY, part of the visiting S*F*D* entourage from San Francisco, takes a spin in the “PLEEZ SIT” wheel chair, S*F*D* ‘FIX BOX’, RARE GALLERY, NYC, May 21, 2005
(SARA THUSTRA artwork in the background)

more S*F*D* ‘FIX BOX’ photos

Photos: Nancy Smith



Here’s to the Kids on the Lower East Side – tons of natural talent & attitude – just not the same family bottomline ($$) as the kids who usually get mainstreamed into the art world, through their college programs & open studios. KIDSET was checking out the scene at NYU.

KIDSET, checks out the NYU student opening ‘Storefront Forefront’, Lower East Side, Lafayette St, May 6, 2005

Photo: Nancy Smith

more photos: of KIDSET & the NYU students & their work

~Clare Rojas/Barry McGee/ONE MORE THING

Clare Rojas, barry mcGee

from left, CLARE ROJAS with guitar, standing BARRY McGEE, Paper Rad’s Jacob Ciocci, in cap, and Jessica Ciocci, in shades, at the opening of Barry McGee’s incredible installation, ‘ONE MORE THING’, at DEITCH PROJECTS on Wooster St, Soho, NYC,
May 7, 2005

Barry McGee tagger

Barry McGee, piggyback tagger, ‘ONE MORE THING’, DEITCH PROJECTS, Wooster St, Soho, NYC, May 7, 2005

more photos of the BARRY McGEE opening & installation: ‘ONE MORE THING’


CLARE ROJAS aka Peggy Honeywell had a pretty amazing opening at DEITCH PROJECTS herself. Her show, ranging from tiny quilt inspired folk art paintings, to large abstract quilt inspired wall installations, was called ‘Table Turner’, and opened in early November 2004 – this is a photo of a larger painting from the show: CLARE ROJAS, ‘Table Turner’, DEITCH PROJECTS, Wooster St, Soho, NYC, November 13, 2004

more photos from : ‘Table Turner’

Photos: Nancy Smith